Booking Tips

Know more about budget flight services which are so easily affordable, available and convenient to you at your fingertips.

Fans TIPS | Please download TIPS of Tigerair Taiwan with your cell phone APP for the zero-day discount update.

Tigerair Taiwan offers extremely preferential ticket prices which during promotion might be as incredible as 70% below a traditional airline ticket. The only difference is that a Tigerair Taiwan ticket does not include additional extra services. That means you may pay for such additional services at your discretion and save the incredible amount to add your excitement during your journeys.

Additional pay choices

Fans TIPS | Pay for extra services upon ticketing for the enjoyable bargains.

Tigerair Taiwan offers incredible bargain prices flexibly based on market needs. To put it in more understandable terms, extremely pleasant surprise is possibly available in each and every moment.

There will be less seats available normally during weekend, a prolonged vacation, summer & winter vacations while the tickets might be relatively higher. You are earnestly advised to map out your journey and buy your tickets before too late to prevent a potential risk in some moment while all tickets are sold out in full.

During regular timeframes we offer tickets at a rate significantly below market quotation. You may fulfill your dreams to travel at incredible budget as long as you surf Tigerair Taiwan updates all the time.

Fans TIPS | Join Tigerair Taiwan membership and keep informed of up-to-minute Tigerair Taiwan bargains and then buy Tigerair Taiwan feedback tickets at surprised excitements which are availability from time to time on a nonscheduled basis.

  1. Tigerair Taiwan's friendly advice: Spent ten minutes to study with your travel companion to check and make sure of the dates of departures for more than one group. Make sophisticated use of Tigerair Taiwan reservation website in the search functions. The earlier and more promptly you act, the more beneficial bargains you will enjoy
  2. Preset homework: Get ready the names, dates of birth, passports and such data of you and your travel companion(s), think about which extra services to buy up to your utmost benefits. Please be reminded the valid balance available with your credit card to prevent a potential overuse of your credit that might lead to forfeiture of your qualifications to win Tigerair Taiwan bargains. Submit your data promptly and precisely to complete the ticketing process.
  3. Ready to scramble Tigerair Taiwan bargain tickets. Very likely you might run into a website jam during a promotion for which Tigerair Taiwan would like to apologize. Please be patient enough and make it in another try about 15 minutes later on.

Fans TIPS | Even at a regular time beyond promotion, Tigerair Taiwan offers tickets significantly more preferential to market quotation. In that time, you enjoy the benefit of no website jam.

Troubleshooting from system abnormality

  1. Please do not surf multiple pages simultaneously. That might lead to an error or abnormality in the booking system. Meanwhile, please avoid rearrangement and back to the preceding page.
  2. To prevent a too long idle time, the system would restrict upon you to complete all ticketing process within 30 minutes. Otherwise you should restart ticket process anew.
  3. If purchase order confirmation sign does not come out after your submittal for payment or you do not receive electronic confirmation through e-mail within 6 hours, please consult with your credit card firm to check and verify whether the payment deduction has been completed.

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