Your high school preparation should include four years of mathematics, including one year of calculus, and four years of science, including chemistry and physics. Taking AP Physics and Chemistry is highly recommended. Students with outstanding high school records who fall just short of these standards may still be considered for ISP.

You should complete the study of one-variable differential and integral calculus before enrolling in ISP. If you will not complete this study in high school, we will ask you to outline how you plan to fulfill this requirement.

We will accept AP test scores and the appropriate college credits (non-AP, transcripts required) in place of SAT subject tests (Math Level II, Physics, and Chemistry). For example, we will look at AP Calculus scores in place of the SAT Math II and/or AP Physics or Chemistry test scores in place of the SAT Physics or Chemistry Subject Tests. We would not consider a biology test score in place of math, physics, or chemistry. Be sure you have these scores reported to Northwestern University. We will delay making a decision on your ISP application until we have received them. For more information, please see our FAQ for Prospective Students.

If you will be taking AP tests at the end of your senior year, and are otherwise well-qualified, we may be able to defer your decision until we have the results of those tests. Be sure to note this on your application and send in your test scores to NU as soon as possible. We will contact you should we need any additional information.

Please contact the program assistant if you have questions about your qualifications or preparation.

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