Organic Materials Management


The Organic Materials Management program is dedicated to advancing sustainable practices in the processing and use of organic materials in agri-food systems. By forming partnerships in applied research, solution implementation, and educational outreach, we promote measures to divert organic "waste" away from landfills and toward more valuable applications. This includes repurposing food waste, green waste, plant-based fibers, manures, and biosolids into materials like soil amendments, livestock feed, building materials, and bioenergy sources. Implementing such projects helps circulate nutrients from the organic waste sector back into working landscapes and food supply chains. These efforts bolster the resilience and sustainability of the food and farming systems that support the Bay Area while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

UCCE Advisor Michael Cohen serves Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Francisco counties. Contact Michael at (408) 282-3132 or

Online resources

A blog dedicated to the beneficial use of organic wastes.

Includes links to resources on compost & mulch, food waste prevention, landscaping, technologies, and regulations.

Lists Bay Area entities involved in edible food recovery for people and for livestock feed, food waste to energy conversion, and composting.